Psychological First Aid in the Workplace Specialists

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We specialise in delivering Mental Health First Aid courses, LivingWorks ASIST training courses, and the Return to Work Coordinator training course - Book online.

MHFA Accredited Training

We specialise in delivering accredited and tailored built mental health training to upskill your employees.

Workplace Mental Health

We specialise in developing and delivering tailor made workplace mental health training content.

HSR Training

WPI is approved to deliver a suite of Health and Safety Representative (HSR) Training courses.


WorkPlace Interventions is located in the Melbourne CBD, delivers training Australia-wide, offering both Face-to-Face and Online delivery options.

We specialise in delivering Mental Health First Aid courses, LivingWorks ASIST training courses, and the WorkSafe Return to Work Coordinator training course. WorkPlace Interventions is a place where not only do we work hard, but we do it with heart.  We believe in excellence, innovation, quality, and passion, and we keep our promises. Our reputation is our business, and our clients are our partners, we have a vested interest in meeting your needs, and that’s what makes WorkPlace Interventions uniquely qualified to help you succeed.

The changing landscape of work is evolving at a speed that is as startling as it is exciting.  One constant in this unpredictable world is that Workplace Interventions can meet your needs.  Specialising in workplace-centred education solutions, our sole mission is to empower people with knowledge and with an earnest desire to help; we aim to upskill and educate organisations through an evidence-based approach.

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How we work for our valued partners.



We consult with you to identify your business needs.


We tailor make and design custom training courses and toolkits to suit your organisation.


We present you with our tailor made solutions and fine tune them based on your feedback.


We empower your workforce with knowledge by upskilling and educating them via an evidence-based approach.

Empowering people with knowledge.


What our partners say about us