TalkHSR OHS Training Courses
We run over 400 public courses per year. We are the Workplace training specialists.HSR OHS Training Courses

HSR Initial OHS Training Course
Under section 67 of the Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act (the OHS Act) 2004 an employer, if requested, must allow an elected HSR and elected deputy HSR to attend a WorkSafe-approved HSR Initial OHS Training Course on paid time, pay the cost of the course and any other associated costs. Section 67 also allows HSRs to choose the course in consultation with their employer.
This course is suited to newly elected HSRs and deputy HSRs. Managers and supervisors will also benefit from undertaking this course, as well as anyone with interest in workplace health and safety.

HSR Refresher OHS Training Course - Plant-Based
Under the OHS Act 2004 (section 67) employers must, if requested, allow an elected HSR or DHSR time off work with pay to attend an HSR refresher OHS training course at least once in each year the HSR or DHSR holds office after completing the initial course of training. Section 67 also allows HSRs to choose the course they attend, in consultation with their employer.
This WorkSafe-approved training course will assist the understanding of HSRs and Deputy HSRs in how they can effectively use their powers when participating in the identification, prevention and control of the risks associated with Plant (Machinery and Equipment).
The training will provide HSRs with the confidence, skills and knowledge to represent their designated work group when raising health and safety concerns in relation with Plant. Although HSRs/Deputy HSRs are the primary audience, managers, supervisors, health and safety committee members may also benefit from attending this course.

HSR Refresher OHS Training Course โ Work-Related Stress
Under the OHS Act 2004 (section 67) employers must, if requested, allow an elected HSR or DHSR time off work with pay to attend an HSR refresher OHS training course at least once in each year the HSR or DHSR holds office after completing the initial course of training. Section 67 also allows HSRs to choose the course they attend, in consultation with their employer.
This WorkSafe-approved training course will help HSRs to understand and exercise their powers effectively. The training will provide HSRs with the confidence, skills and knowledge to represent their designated work group when raising health and safety concerns in relation to work-related stress. Although HSRs/Deputy HSRs are the primary audience, managers, supervisors, health and safety committee members may also benefit from attending this course.

HSR Refresher OHS Training Course - Work Related Violence
Under the OHS Act 2004 (section 67) employers must, if requested, allow an elected HSR or DHSR time off work with pay to attend an HSR refresher OHS training course at least once in each year the HSR or DHSR holds office after completing the initial course of training. Section 67 also allows HSRs to choose the course they attend, in consultation with their employer.
HSRs are the elected representatives of workers in a DWG. The HSR represents the health and safety interests of the employees in the DWG. To do this effectively, it is essential that HSRs and their deputies receive training that provides them with the appropriate skills and knowledge.
Workplace violence is a real issue in many workplaces. This interactive training course approved by WorkSafe includes relevant case studies and activities where HSRs can learn more about participating in the identification, prevention and control of the risks associated with work-related violence.
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